Resolving the problem of files, folders and other important data missing because of virus malicious activity on infected computer has become the challenge number one for many PC security companies, sites, forums and blogs today. Users not only need to actually remove the virus which became the source of such problem but, surely, they want to recover all their files and the entire information that became hidden by malware programs. It should be noted that such badware programs performing the above-mentioned modifications to hide user’s data are referred to the group of fake hard drive defragmenters. In this blog they belong to the category named ‘fake HDD’. For successful restoration of infected computers after fake HDD virus attack not only the virus removal is necessary. This job can be accomplished quite easily for the powerful anti-virus. The very removal process is described on the example of File Restore virus, one of the representatives of the above-mentioned malware family. The next step that must be accomplished successfully is restoring the files hidden by virus. There are various applications that can be downloaded and executed in order to perform this restoration job automatically. We will make emphasis, however, on manual restoration of missing data. This is because sometimes the above-mentioned utilities do not work for some reasons.
Malware removal instructions that help users get rid of adware, browser hijackers, fake antiviruses and other computer virus infections
Monday, December 17, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
XP Antivirus Pro 2013. Removal tool
Some malware programs claim to be some excellent anti-virus applications. They would promise many great things to you. In particular, they would detect many fake threats in your PC and would tell that they would get rid of such viruses on the condition that you first pay for it. This is the exact description of the behavior of XP Antivirus Pro 2013 malware. The application we’re talking about right now isn’t powerful at all. It does not possess with the ability to identify real security threats. Neither is it powerful to delete them all. By the way, the fake anti-virus program we’re describing now does not ask for your consent on infiltration into your computer. Normally, as far as legit anti-virus tools are concerned, user has to take certain action in order to install them. As for XP Antivirus Pro 2013 the user doesn’t participate in the installation process at all. The hoax makes its dwelling in the computer when the users doesn’t even realize this. Then the malware, by the way, initiates the amendments into the system registry, so that it would be started together with Windows operating system (whatever version of it you have).
Monday, December 10, 2012
Como eliminar XP Antivirus Plus 2013 virus
Allí’ un riesgo de guardar virus XP Antivirus Plus 2013 en su sistema. Esta falsificación anti-spyware instrumento directamente se interconecta con muchos otros Caballos de Troya que pueden infectar fácilmente su sistema aún más y traer amenazas muy severas para su ordenador. Así, el asunto del retiro más rápido de XP Antivirus Plus 2013 tiene la importancia suma si no quiere que su sistema sufra aún más tremendamente de la agresión del virus. Por supuesto, la presencia de la timo XP Antivirus Plus 2013 en su sistema lo hace más lenta bastante, por tanto querrá sin vacilar quitar este instrumento anti-malware falso de su ordenador. No trae nada bueno a su máquina, a propósito. La misma presencia de esta timo es molesta, más, da la multitud de informes falsos sobre infecciones irreales que supuestamente hablan extensamente de su máquina. La parte más triste sobre ello es que este programa no le puede proteger de verdaderas infecciones del virus. Así, cuando haya un riesgo de la intrusión malware, esta aplicación nunca le protegerá, al contrario de su nombre.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Your PC is blocked due to at least one of the reasons specified below. Department of Justice virus
Do you think your PC has been blocked by Department of Justice? Be not deceived so easily, please. This locker has nothing to do with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Instead, it is the direct product of hackers who have launched it into the cyber world to trick and scare users with its scary alert that says: “Your PC is blocked due to at least one of the reasons specified below”. Then the virus list these reasons, but this is just the way how online criminals want you to be tremendously scared with these many faulty accusations. The point is that once this virus enters your PC your entire system becomes locked, and you cannot do anything to restore it. Your keyboard is also disabled, and the problem is that no matter how many times you restart your computer the same locked status remains and persists. The locker states the following faulty information:
Internet Crime Complaint Center virus locker. How to remove
Internet Crime Complaint Center is a brand new scareware developed by some hackers who want to get money by deceiving and tricking users. This virus is categorized as ransomware, because it hijacks the computer, locks it and then asks users to pay some amount of money in order to have it unlocked. Even though this virus claims to be originating from the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), it has nothing to do with this reputable and well-known US governmental organization. So, be very careful when you get this nasty trojan on your machine. Beware of the fact that it came into your system as a result of hackers' "productive" activity, but you should not obey their commands!
Friday, December 7, 2012
PC Defender Plus virus. How to remove it
We can't say anything good about PC Defender Plus. This program is a fake antispyware, and the ways it enters your system are illegal. You cannot actually trace its infiltration process, neither can you terminate it ahead of time. When this fake antivirus enters your PC this is carried out in a hidden and concealed manner, so you can't do anything with it to avoid the moment when this hoax actually appears in front of your screen. It should be also mentioned that often the world's most powerful and well-known antiviruses often fail to detect this scam on time, thus allowing it to enter your system.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Como eliminar Troyan-BNK.Win32. Keylogger.gen virus?
Troyan-BNK.Win32.Keylogger.gen es la amenaza del ordenador falsa que no existe en el verdadero mundo ciber. La advertencia sobre su ordenador infectado por este tipo de malware es originada por el pícaro y no por el software antivirus legítimo. Si su ordenador se infecta por uno de muchos antivirus de la falsificación de Multirogue2013 las posibilidades consisten en que encontraría finalmente esta advertencia ficticia. Actualmente hay al menos 21 variaciones de tales antivirus falsos antes descritos por nosotros más detalladamente. Cuando una de tales muestras malware penetra en el ordenador con la seguridad puesta en peligro comenzaría su actividad malévola inmediatamente. Por supuesto, la infiltración del malware se realiza sin la consideración de su propia opinión si quiere instalarlo o no. Este mismo rasgo es típico a todas las aplicaciones de seguridad inconformistas, incluso estos que pertenecen al clan de Braviax malware.